本文共 6645 字,大约阅读时间需要 22 分钟。
// Works well with php5.3 and php5.6.
namespace Kewail\Sms;
class SmsSingleSender {
var $url;var $accesskey;var $secretkey;var $util;function __construct($accesskey, $secretkey) { $this->url = "https://live.kewail.com/sms/v1/sendsinglesms"; $this->accesskey = $accesskey; $this->secretkey = $secretkey; $this->util = new SmsSenderUtil();}/** * 普通单发,明确指定内容,如果有多个签名,请在内容中以【】的方式添加到信息内容中,否则系统将使用默认签名 * @param int $type 短信类型,0 为普通短信,1 营销短信 * @param string $nationCode 国家码,如 86 为中国 * @param string $phoneNumber 不带国家码的手机号 * @param string $msg 信息内容,必须与申请的模板格式一致,否则将返回错误 * @param string $extend 扩展码,可填空串 * @param string $ext 服务端原样返回的参数,可填空串 * @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg": "xxxxxx" ... },被省略的内容参见协议文档 */function send($type, $nationCode, $phoneNumber, $msg, $extend = "", $ext = "") {
/请求包体{ "tel": { "nationcode": "86","mobile": "13788888888"},"type": 0,"msg": "你的验证码是1234","sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c","time": 1479888540,"extend": "","ext": ""}应答包体{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","ext": "","sid": "xxxxxxx","fee": 1}/
$random = $this->util->getRandom();$curTime = time();$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?accesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;// 按照协议组织 post 包体 $data = new \stdClass(); $tel = new \stdClass(); $tel->nationcode = "".$nationCode; $tel->mobile = "".$phoneNumber; $data->tel = $tel; $data->type = (int)$type; $data->msg = $msg; $data->sig = hash("sha256", "secretkey=".$this->secretkey."&random=".$random."&time=".$curTime."&mobile=".$phoneNumber, FALSE); $data->time = $curTime; $data->extend = $extend; $data->ext = $ext; return $this->util->sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data);}/** * 指定模板单发 * @param string $nationCode 国家码,如 86 为中国 * @param string $phoneNumber 不带国家码的手机号 * @param int $templId 模板 id * @param array $params 模板参数列表,如模板 {1}...{2}...{3},那么需要带三个参数 * @param string $sign 签名,如果填空串,系统会使用默认签名 * @param string $extend 扩展码,可填空串 * @param string $ext 服务端原样返回的参数,可填空串 * @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg": "xxxxxx" ... },被省略的内容参见协议文档 */function sendWithParam($nationCode, $phoneNumber, $templId = 0, $params, $sign = "", $extend = "", $ext = "") {
/请求包体{ "tel": { "nationcode": "86","mobile": "13788888888"},"sign": "Kewail","tpl_id": 19,"params": ["验证码","1234","4"],"sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c","time": 1479888540,"extend": "","ext": ""}应答包体{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","ext": "","sid": "xxxxxxx","fee": 1}/
$random = $this->util->getRandom();$curTime = time();$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?sdkaccesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;// 按照协议组织 post 包体 $data = new \stdClass(); $tel = new \stdClass(); $tel->nationcode = "".$nationCode; $tel->mobile = "".$phoneNumber; $data->tel = $tel; $data->sig = $this->util->calculateSigForTempl($this->secretkey, $random, $curTime, $phoneNumber); $data->tpl_id = $templId; $data->params = $params; $data->sign = $sign; $data->time = $curTime; $data->extend = $extend; $data->ext = $ext; return $this->util->sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data);}
class SmsMultiSender {
var $url;var $accesskey;var $secretkey;var $util;function __construct($accesskey, $secretkey) { $this->url = "https://live.kewail.com/sms/v1/sendsinglesms"; $this->accesskey = $accesskey; $this->secretkey = $secretkey; $this->util = new SmsSenderUtil();}/** * 普通群发,明确指定内容,如果有多个签名,请在内容中以【】的方式添加到信息内容中,否则系统将使用默认签名 * 【注意】海外短信无群发功能 * @param int $type 短信类型,0 为普通短信,1 营销短信 * @param string $nationCode 国家码,如 86 为中国 * @param string $phoneNumbers 不带国家码的手机号列表 * @param string $msg 信息内容,必须与申请的模板格式一致,否则将返回错误 * @param string $extend 扩展码,可填空串 * @param string $ext 服务端原样返回的参数,可填空串 * @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg": "xxxxxx" ... },被省略的内容参见协议文档 */function send($type, $nationCode, $phoneNumbers, $msg, $extend = "", $ext = "") {
/请求包体{ "tel": [{ "nationcode": "86","mobile": "13788888888"},{ "nationcode": "86","mobile": "13788888889"}],"type": 0,"msg": "你的验证码是1234","sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c","time": 1479888540,"extend": "","ext": ""}应答包体{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","ext": "","detail": [{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","mobile": "13788888888","nationcode": "86","sid": "xxxxxxx","fee": 1},{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","mobile": "13788888889","nationcode": "86","sid": "xxxxxxx","fee": 1}]}/
$random = $this->util->getRandom();$curTime = time();$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?accesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;$data = new \stdClass();$data->tel = $this->util->phoneNumbersToArray($nationCode, $phoneNumbers);$data->type = $type;$data->msg = $msg;$data->sig = $this->util->calculateSig($this->secretkey, $random, $curTime, $phoneNumbers);$data->time = $curTime;$data->extend = $extend;$data->ext = $ext;return $this->util->sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data);}/** * 指定模板群发 * 【注意】海外短信无群发功能 * @param string $nationCode 国家码,如 86 为中国 * @param array $phoneNumbers 不带国家码的手机号列表 * @param int $templId 模板 id * @param array $params 模板参数列表,如模板 {1}...{2}...{3},那么需要带三个参数 * @param string $sign 签名,如果填空串,系统会使用默认签名 * @param string $extend 扩展码,可填空串 * @param string $ext 服务端原样返回的参数,可填空串 * @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg": "xxxxxx" ... },被省略的内容参见协议文档 */function sendWithParam($nationCode, $phoneNumbers, $templId, $params, $sign = "", $extend ="", $ext = "") {
/请求包体{ "tel": [{ "nationcode": "86","mobile": "13788888888"},{ "nationcode": "86","mobile": "13788888889"}],"sign": "Kewail","tpl_id": 19,"params": ["验证码","1234","4"],"sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c","time": 1479888540,"extend": "","ext": ""}应答包体{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","ext": "","detail": [{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","mobile": "13788888888","nationcode": "86","sid": "xxxxxxx","fee": 1},{ "result": 0,"errmsg": "OK","mobile": "13788888889","nationcode": "86","sid": "xxxxxxx","fee": 1}]}/
$random = $this->util->getRandom();$curTime = time();$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?accesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;$data = new \stdClass();$data->tel = $this->util->phoneNumbersToArray($nationCode, $phoneNumbers);$data->sign = $sign;$data->tpl_id = $templId;$data->params = $params;$data->sig = $this->util->calculateSigForTemplAndPhoneNumbers($this->secretkey, $random, $curTime, $phoneNumbers);$data->time = $curTime;$data->extend = $extend;$data->ext = $ext;return $this->util->sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data);}}更多,欢迎关注云服务-Kewail科技